Irrigation Parts & Sod - Northstate Landscape

2700 W. Hwy 12, Burson, CA  (209) 772-8989
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Irrigation Parts & Sod


North State Landscape carries over 50 types of landscape material for all your needs. We have rock, sand, gravel, and irrigation parts for the DIY or you can hire us to design and install a complete new landscape!

To make the most efficient use of your landscape, don't forget to install water saving devices. Drip irrigation on automatic timers will help maintain your beautiful landscape and save you water, time and money. We carry everything the DIY needs to install a water system. You can hire the professionals (US!) to design your irrigation and lighting systems, plantings and landscape. Your contractor can use our design to build the perfect landscape. You can just sit back and enjoy the beauty of your new yard!

To determine water needs for your lawn, use the following calculations: multiply width of lawn by depth to get square feet. Take that number and multiply by 0.623. That will give you the number of gallons per week you need to keep a lush green lawn. For example a 50x50 lawn will require 1,557.5 gallons of water per week. Can you imagine the combined number of gallons the houses on your street use each week!

YOU CAN STILL HAVE BEAUTIFUL LAWNS!  Don't get us wrong. We like lawns; just a little bit smaller will help in the drought. In conjunction with trees, plants, and groundcover, lawns can lower the air temperature in your yard and home. Modest plantings of lawn combined with gravel pathways, native plants, and trees offer a welcome respite from the heat of the day. Proper irrigation systems can save you time and water. We carry the timers, valves, and piping to create that beautiful yard (including some grass). Ask our professionals about using one of our special order sods for your project. Our grasses (grown locally) can survive the heat better than most. We offer premium peat grown sod from Delta Bluegrass Company at very competitive prices. Call today for your consultation and order your fresh cut sod from Northstate Landscape!

inline water valves cans of PVC primer and glue packages of water fittings black plastic irrigatioin pipe in rolls
Contractor License #784801
2700 W. Hwy 12, Burson, CA (209) 772-8989
OPEN M-F 8:30AM - 4PM, Sat 8:30-3PM Closed Sun
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